Things to Do
There are tons of great things to do at Luther Point year-round! Look below for all of your exciting options:
Water Activities
Boating: There are a number of Paddle Boats, and a number of Canoes available during the Spring, Summer, and Fall for our guests. These can be used only while wearing a properly fitting life jacket and depending on the weather. There are life jackets for adults and youth. Please bring your own life jackets for small children as we only have a few.​
Swimming Beach: From Labor Day to Memorial Day the swimming beach (with shallow and deep ends) is open for Retreaters and Campers depending on weather. No swimming unless a lifeguard is present.
​Fishing: If you have a valid WI Fishing License you are free to fish on Big Wood Lake. You’re welcome to take out one of our paddle boats or canoes. Otherwise, you are welcome to bring your own boat which can be docked near the family cabins.
Rec Room
Outdoor Activities
Nine or Four Square Court
Gaga Ball
Swing set near the Dining Hall
Play set for young children near Retreat Center
The Jamball Field: Great for large group games!
Ultimate Frisbee
Winter Activities
Broomball: You can play broomball on the frozen lake behind the Retreat Center.
Snow Tubing: With enough snow, there is a great sledding hill located behind the office. It is even lit for night-time sledding!
Ice Fishing: If you have your Wisconsin fishing license, the ice fishing is great on Big Wood Lake.
Carpetball (a camp favorite!)